Knife throwing clubs are a great way to improve your technique, learn something new, or just kick back with some friendly folks who share similar interests.
Luckily, there are several informal clubs all around the US, Europe, and beyond as well as many international organizations.
If you are an aspiring or experienced thrower, we also recommend getting involved in various professional organizations, including AKTA (in the United States) and IKTHOFA (international). Both promote knife throwing as a sport, recreation and hobby.
If there is a knife throwing club or organization we’ve missed, please drop us a line and we’ll be sure to add it!
Knife Throwing Clubs in the United States
Knife Throwing Clubs – California
Highland Hurlers – Frazier Park, CA
The Highland Hurlers throw knives, tomahawks, darts, throwing sticks, slings, bolas, etc. They have a good-sized club building. They chose the name the ‘Highland Hurlers’ due to their altitude and location, as well as their tendency to “throw rather forcefully.” If you have questions (or are interested in joining), please email The Highland Hurlers.
Diablo Impalement Arts Group – Concord, CA
The Diablo Impalement Arts Group is part of the Diablo Rod and Gun Club. They throw anything with a point on their multi-use 40 foot target range. Their throwing range is open from noon until dark (Wed, Thurs, Sat and Sun). Events and competitions are available. For more information, contact John Labash (925) 709-9199. Located at 4700 Evora Rd., Concord, CA 94522.
Knife Throwing Clubs – Alabama
Feathers and Steel – Montgomery, AL
Feathers and Steel are owners of a family-oriented martial arts school in Montgomery, Alabama. They have over 30 members who practice knife throwing as part of their martial art. They invite anyone from the area who would like to throw knives with them. They have several tournaments as part of their school, but anyone is welcome to come join the fun. For more information, contact wgpkuksool@knology.net or Kuk Sool Won Martial Arts Center (334) 271-2228
Knife Throwing Clubs – Texas
Team Bakido Knife Throwing Club – Austin, TX
Team Bakido is excited about your interest and looks forward to meeting new members! The cost is only $65 a year for membership, and is part of the South Austin Karate studio. Range times can be booked by calling a South Austin Karate staff member at (512) 280-0611. Maximum range time per session is 2 hours. Maximum of 4 people per range. Throwing lessons for new and existing members are available.
Cedar Creek Knife and Hawk Club (CCKH) – Malakoff, TX
The main purpose of the Cedar Creek Knife and Hawk Club is to teach and promote the art of knife and tomahawk throwing. The club’s main annual event is the Texas State Knife and Hawk Championships in Malakoff, TX. They are always looking for new members who want to learn the art of throwing in a safe and controlled manner. For more information, contact Chuck Weems, President of CCKH, at wk3eagle@aol.com or (903) 677-3581.
Houston Area Knife Stickers (HAKS) – Houston, TX
The Houston Area Knife Stickers serve as a promotional organization for their favorite past-time, knife throwing. They convene on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month to throw. If you have general questions about HAKS, or you are interested in joining, contact HAKSInfo@yahoo.com.
Knife Throwing Clubs – North Carolina
Carolina Bladeslingers – Triangle Area, NC
The Caroline Bladeslingers is a non-profit club dedicated to the sport of throwing edged and/or pointed weapons (including knives, tomahawks, axes, and spikes). The club is open to all interested persons. They endorse and support the International Knife Throwers Hall of Fame Association. Members are encouraged to join this organization, participate in the IKTHOFA ranking system, and attend regional and national championships. For more information, visit their website.
Knife Throwing Clubs – Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Pine Splitters – Coatesville/Parkesburg, PA
The Pennsylvania Pine Splitters have 14 members and are looking to grow. They meet every Sunday for 3 hours, plus private sessions and lessons on other days. They use a local range and are located between the towns of Coatesville and Parkesburg, PA. They hope to form a team and start competing at the WWAC/IKTHOF tournament in NJ. If you’d like to join us for some fun, we’d love to have you! For more information, contact Carolyn Larocque at (610) 857-9623.
Knife Throwing Clubs – New Mexico
New Mexico Tech Knife and Tomahawk Throwing Club – Socorro, NM
The mission of the New Mexico Tech Knife and Tomahawk Throwing Club is to promote knife and tomahawk throwing as a hobby and sport. They are a student club, but anyone can join. They meet every Sunday to throw sharp pointy objects, and usually have 2-3 lunch throwing sessions during the week. If you are interested in joining, please contact Talon Newton.
Knife Throwing Clubs – Minnesota
The Willow Creek Throwers – Breckenridge, MN
The Willow Creek Throwers is an informal club that includes roughly 2 meetings a month. They decided to start out as a club rather than as a league because the people interested in throwing are very new to the sport. They recommend everyone to be acquainted with throwing, safety, and competition rules before participating in any official leagues. Once they are more established, they plan to throw to the AKTA standards for throws and meets. They are located in the upper Midwest and hope to provide a place to throw and educate people about knife throwing as a sport. For more information, contact John Backowski.
Axe Throwing Clubs in the United States
Urban Axes – Multiple Locations
Urban Axes brings the thrill of indoor axe throwing to your city! Experience what all the hype is about for yourself. Great for social events. Book reservations in multiple venues, including Austin TX, Houston TX, Baltimore MD, Boston MA, Cincinnati OH, Durham NC, and Philadelphia PA.
Knife Throwing Clubs in Europe
European Throwing Club “Flying Blades” (EuroThrowers)
The EuroThrowers club brings together both European knife throwers and axe throwers. Their goal is to improve the communication between throwers within Europe, assist people in organizing events, and to promote the sport. They maintain an active mailing list for all members to chat. They also host an annual Big Throwers Meeting in a different country as a place for the community to meet, throw and have fun. Members hail from various countries, primarily from France and Germany.
The UK Knife, Axe & Tomahawk Throwing Association
The Knife, Axe & Tomahawk Throwing Association inthe United Kingdom is a well-known organization that has been operating for many years. The purpose of KATTA UK is to foster the art/sport of throwing knives, axes, double bit axes and tomahawks in the UK. They also help in the promotion of this sport and its impeccable safety record. For more information, visit their website.
Knife Throwing Organizations
American Knife Throwers Alliance (AKTA)
The purpose of the American Knife Throwers Alliance is to provide assistance (and offer guidelines) to individuals and groups who may wish to organize for competitive sport in their local areas. The AKTA is an association of American and International sportsmen dedicated to the promotion and practice of knife throwing as a sport, recreation and hobby. For more information, visit their website.
International Knife Throwers Hall of Fame Association (IKTHOFA)
The purpose of the IKTHOFA is to establish standards for which knife throwers can be ranked. The IKTHOFA also provides positive influence and professional service to it’s membership. The association is dedicated to increasing the education, communication, and recognition of all knife throwers. It has an open membership policy, and its goal is to service the needs and interests of members from all knife throwing styles.
The Rocky Mountain Knife and Tomahawk Alliance (RMKTA) – Closed
The mission of the Rocky Mountain Knife and Tomahawk Alliance is to promote, preserve & educate people about knife throwing as a fun and safe family sport.
Knife Throwing Competitions
Once you gain confidence in your knife throwing ability, put your skills to the test. Consider participating in a knife throwing or tomahawk throwing competition. There are plenty of events all over the US and abroad, and both the AKTA and IKTHOFA are excellent resources to start with.
Even if you’re not competitive by nature, attending a competition to watch can be immensely valuable. Not only will you meet many friendly people with the same interests, but these events are also excellent sources of information. You’ll pick up useful tips and best practices just by watching professionals and asking questions.
In addition, knife throwing competitions also feature demonstrations that gives you the opportunity to throw new things. Are you a knife thrower, but interested in axe or tomahawk throwing? Competitions will give you that exposure.
Attend knife throwing competitions regularly and with an open mind. If you do, you’ll be sure to improve your technique and advance in the sport.

Final Words
In sum, knife throwing clubs are great for getting together with like-minded folks in a friendly environment. In addition, knife throwing clubs provide excellent opportunities to improve your technique. You may also learn about other sport variations, including axe or tomahawk throwing.
The sport of knife throwing is increasing in popularity in the US, and new clubs form all the time. As we hear of new clubs, we’ll be sure to add them to our list.
And of course, if there are any knife throwing clubs or organizations you’d like us to promote, please drop us a line!